Paper Orphan


Surviving Transnational and Transracial Adoption


Reclaiming the Adoption Narrative

I am a Swedish-Korean adoptee, and this is a space for thoughts, reflections, and critical perspectives on transnational adoption. While transnational adoption is often framed as a humanitarian act, the realities of the adoption industry, falsified identities, and systemic abuses are still heavily contested—especially in Sweden, where critical voices face pushback, gaslighting, and attempts to control the narrative.

Although some reporting has brought these issues to light, adoptees who speak out continue to be gaslit, dismissed, and undermined. As Sweden’s ongoing adoption commission investigates the country’s role in transnational adoption, the adoption lobby actively mobilizes to defend past and current adoptions. It is more important than ever to give voice to these realities and push back against those trying to silence us.

  • Statistics Transnational Adoptions to Sweden

    Statistics Transnational Adoptions to Sweden

    Statistics Transnational Adoptions To Sweden 1969-2022 This data is sourced from the official website of The Family Law and Parental Support Authority (Myndigheten för Familjerätt och föräldraskapsstöd, MfoF) 2025-03-03. This data include all people born outside the Nordic countries who have been sent to Sweden for adoption. This data should cover most transnational adoptions to…

  • Statistics Transnational Adoptions to Sweden by Adoptionscentrum

    Statistics Transnational Adoptions to Sweden by Adoptionscentrum

    Statistics on Transnational Adoptions to Sweden 1970-2024 Facilitated by Adoptionscentrum The following data represents the number of adoptions facilitated by Adoptionscentrum between 1970 and 2024. Statistics on all transnational adoptions to Sweden are available here. This data has been sourced from Adoptionscentrum’s official website. While other agencies were also active during this period, this analysis…

  • Transnational Adoptee Population in Sweden (2000–2023)

    Transnational Adoptee Population in Sweden (2000–2023)

    Transnational Adoptee Population in Sweden (2000–2023) Transnational adoptees represent a significant part of Sweden’s demographic history. With this post, I aim to provide an updated visualization of the total international adoptee population in Sweden, using the latest available data from Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån, SCB), retrieved via their API as of 2025-02-26. Unfortunately, this dataset…

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